“The hypnosis CD you made me is helping so, so much! I love it! I have listened to it every day. It has really saved me. I feel so much better now, including my outlook on life. Thank you so much for your help and insight… You have made my holidays so much better! I am so much happier. My world is glorious! Love to you always.”
“Good Morning, Victoria, Your Newsletters are so inspiring and ever since I met you a couple of years ago at your Transformations facility, you, your facility and Newsletters have been at the forefront of my mind and kept me going in a very positive way.”
“I ate wonderful healthy food all day yesterday. Me happy :)”
“I am so grateful to have met with you years ago. You changed my life on so many levels with the teachings you shared. Which began my path that has allowed my to evolve to where I am today. You played such an important roll on my spiritual path to help me begin to look within and begin to heal and I thank you so much for that.”
“Just letting you know I woke up this morning really positive. My mind felt at ease. I also slept really well. The CD with the ‘mantra’ really helped before going to bed last night. Thanks.”
“All going well. No slip ups and pain level is still down.”
“Victoria, I awoke this morning with the words from a childhood song running thru my head, ‘Oh, what a beautiful day!’… My feelings and energy matched the words. Thank you.”
“Hello my beautiful healing friend! Thank you for helping my love and I. I can’t begin to tell or show the gratitude and love I feel for what you have done for us. You are our Angel. Thank you for saving our lives!”
“8 years ago, I had a new beginning when I met you, Victoria, and my life has changed. Thank you so much for all that you did for me. Now, I continue this beautiful journey in helping others to change their lives. I spread the love that is deep in my heart.”
“Dear Victoria, What can I say except that it is an honor and pleasure to have you in my life. The fact that you truly ‘walk your talk’ is totally inspirational to me!”
“I love everything I’m learning and doing with you.”
Hi Victoria, I am doing well with the cravings we’ve worked on. So far so good. I ate out last night, and, for the first time EVER, I didn’t order dessert. ”
“I slept really well after the session. I feel very good today. Happy.”
“Victoria, Yesterday when you were describing to me the people who were wishing me evil and the “daggers” they were attaching to me, especially in the neck area – well…..the last few days while I have been doing my face cleansing routine – when I get to my neck area it had been tender, especially on the right side. But last night and this morning while I’m massaging that same area – no tenderness what so ever! Thank you again, for all of your insights and efforts to help me clear up my blockages – literally and figuratively! Love,”
“I’m feeling very good, a lot of energy and confidence in speaking. I feel a lot of good changes in me.”
“I appreciate so much your distant healing, Victoria! The night before I was hurting the worst in the last few weeks and been trying to sleep for over two hours… when you called me. How did you know?! I felt so much better after you sent me the healing and slept in late. Thank you. I cannot begin to tell you how amazing it was to have you know I needed a healing and how great the healing was… I have been telling my kids how amazing you are and what a great friend who gives so much love and healing to others. You are such an amazing woman with incredible gifts!”
“Victoria, My girlfriend is very relaxed now, and we are now enjoying and appreciating each other’s company more than ever, like we should. Thank you so much! You are a blessing to us.”
“I slept really well! I feel clear headed today and what you’re doing is really helping me. The rest is on me. I went to AA last night. Looking to find a sponsor. I need all the help I can get…”
“Dear Victoria, You are beautiful inside and out and years from now I will be saying the same. Love to you, my friend…”
“Victoria, I awoke this morning with the words from a childhood song running thru my head, ‘Oh, what a beautiful day!’… My feelings and energy matched the words. Thank you.” David
“I slept really well! I feel clear headed today and what you’re doing is really helping me. The rest is on me. I went to AA last night. Looking to find a sponsor. I need all the help I can get…” Dan
“Just letting you know I woke up this morning really positive. My mind felt at ease. I also slept really well. The CD with the ‘mantra’ really helped before going to bed last night. Thanks,” Jessica
“I ate wonderful healthy food all day yesterday. Me happy :)” G.
“All going well. No slip ups and pain level is still down.” Dan
“I’m feeling very good, a lot of energy and confidence in speaking. I feel a lot of good changes in me.” Ani
“I slept really well after the session. I feel very good today. Happy.” Jessica
“I love everything I’m learning and doing with you”. Danielle
“8 years ago, I had a new beginning when I met you, Victoria, and my life has changed. Thank you so much for all that you did for me. Now, I continue this beautiful journey in helping others to change their lives. I spread the love that is deep in my heart.” Janee
“I am so grateful to have met with you years ago. You changed my life on so many levels with the teachings you shared.
Which began my path that has allowed my to evolve to where I am today. You played such an important roll on my spiritual path to help me begin to look within and begin to heal and I thank you so much for that.” – Angelina
“I appreciate so much your distant healing, Victoria! The night before I was hurting the worst in the last few weeks and been trying to sleep for over two hours… when you called me. How did you know?! I felt so much better after you sent me the healing and slept in late. Thank you. I cannot begin to tell you how amazing it was to have you know I needed a healing and how great the healing was… I have been telling my kids how amazing you are and what a great friend who gives so much love and healing to others. You are such an amazing woman with incredible gifts!” – S.B.
“The hypnosis CD you made me is helping so, so much! I love it! I have listened to it every day. It has really saved me. I feel so much better now, including my outlook on life. Thank you so much for your help and insight… You have made my holidays so much better! I am so much happier. My world is glorious! Love to you always,” – S. W.
“Victoria, Yesterday when you were describing to me the people who were wishing me evil and the “daggers” they were attaching to me, especially in the neck area – well…..the last few days while I have been doing my face cleansing routine – when I get to my neck area it had been tender, especially on the right side. But last night and this morning while I’m massaging that same area – no tenderness what so ever! Thank you again, for all of your insights and efforts to help me clear up my blockages – literally and figuratively! Love, K.”
“Hi Victoria,
I am doing well with the cravings we’ve worked on. So far so good. I ate out last night, and, for the first time EVER, I didn’t order dessert. ”
~Judy in Las Vegas
“Hello my beautiful healing friend!
Thank you for helping my love and I. I can’t begin to tell or show the gratitude and love I feel for what you have done for us. You are our Angel. Thank you for saving our lives!” –
~T. in Las Vegas
My girlfriend is very relaxed now, and we are now enjoying and appreciating each other’s company more than ever, like we should. Thank you so much! You are a blessing to us.”
~Anthony in Las Vegas
“Dear Victoria,
You are beautiful inside and out and years from now I will be saying the same. Love to you, my friend…”
~Gail in Las Vegas
“Dear Victoria,
What can I say except that it is an honor and pleasure to have you in my life. The fact that you truly ‘walk your talk’ is totally inspirational to me!”
“Good Morning, Victoria,
Your Newsletters are so inspiring and ever since I met you a couple of years ago at your Transformations facility, you, your facility and Newsletters have been at the forefront of my mind and kept me going in a very positive way.”
~ Candy
Testimonials for:
See Clearly Now!” Natural Eyesight Improvement Classes
“Information was presented very clearly and it was visually appealing.”
~ Tyger
“Excellent! Very helpful exercises that I will use every day.”
~ Sonya L
“I would definitely recommend the Natural Vision improvement to others, in fact I have! (Due to the lack of time) I plan to use the exercises when I am in the bathroom.”
~ Cattel
Testimonials for:
Reiki Circles & Reiki Training
“It’s really hard to put into word what I have gotten from taking Victoria’s Reiki Training. I’ve been through Reiki I & II and each time has been life changing. She is an amazing trainer and puts her heart and soul into each class. I’m eternally grateful for what she offers and look forward to become a Reiki master because of her.”
~ Doug Hark
“Taking Victoria’s Reiki II Class has been very enlighting and just incredible I truly feel honored and blessed to be learning from such an amazing master. Incredible! When is the next class?
~ Tina Marie
“Hi Victoria,
Thank you once again for giving of your time and expertise in sharing Reiki with me and so many others. It is truly a life-changing practice. So far, the mare I am working on seems to be improving, a plant that was pretty much dead is vibrant, and I feel more alive and positive. I am looking forward to Reiki II.”
~ Janis F. “
Wow! I’m floating… Vibrations very high. No more pain! I now see the true reality of being human and my path to heal others, not only myself. So grateful!”
~G. (3rd day after the Reiki training 1st degree).
“This was my first healing circle where I was the Reiki practitioner. The recipient complained of MCTS in her left wrist prior to healing. I felt a physical shift in the hand of recipient between the thumb and palm. I felt emotional trauma in her heart chakra and difficulty with circulation in her left knee. I cleared what I could in the time allotted. AMAZING!!! Grateful for the opportunity to experience this miracle”
~ G.
“Victoria, just wanted to thank you for an outstanding day! I have been transformed! You are an awesome lady and a blessing. Also, please thank your helpers as well. This has been an unforgettable experience!”
~ Brenda
“Victoria, I want you to know that I feel much happiness and appreciation for being led to you. Your spirit radiates the passion you have for what you are doing. I see and feel the joy you get from teaching and sharing with others. I just wanted to thank you for the class on Sunday. I left Sunday evening a different person with even more peace, love and joy. Thank you!!”
~ Sally
“Thanks again for being such a great spiritual guide and a wonderful Master Teacher. I had a beautiful experience in your class as always. Thank you for introducing to me an invaluable treasure – Reiki. It makes my life special and joyful. I am looking forward to learning more from you.”
~ Natasha”
“You are such a wonderful and giving person indeed! I am so grateful to you to have the opportunity to meet like-minded people and to serve others as a result of the wonderful spiritual center you have created. You are a great leader and are truly making a difference in this world!”
~ Blaine
“Thanks again for the wonderful Reiki II class! I look forward to participating in more of your classes because they really make a difference! Thanks again!”
~ Julieta
“Victoria, thank you so much for the wonderful class on Sunday. You are by far the inspiring teacher I’ve ever had. I appreciate all your teachings. I want to keep going and get to the master level. Hopefully, some day, I can be next to you like the other masters, helping you with the class.”
~ Mirage
“Victoria, I just wanted to say thank you for so much for helping me through my journey. Last night, it was the most exciting and humbling experience in my life, and I am very excited that Reiki will be part of my life!”
~ Chie
“Dear Victoria, I want to Thank You so much for the Reiki healing circle the other night; I will join again soon. I received a lot of healing and still receiving. I am so very Thankful that wonderful opportunities that I am guided to of People and Places like Yourself and your center.
~ Wendy Wollison
Testimonials for:
Private Sessions with Victoria Stitzer
“Hi Victoria,
Thank you for the treatment. I do feel better and I slept very well that night. I couldn’t believe all the yuk that I had in me. I am excited about my next detox treatment. I know that with all that finally gone I will heal faster. I actually feel lighter/thinner. Feels good.
Thanks again,
~ Charlotte”
“Hi Victoria
I just want to say that it was a pleasure to meet you. Coming in contact with such a wonderful human being has changed my life significantly.
I have already made such a significant change in my life since my adolescent years but I believe this will push me to become the best human being that I am capable of being. The love and vibrant energy which you manifested in me continues to grow and there isn’t a day that I am not thankful for having met you.”
~ Amir Razavi
“Hi Victoria,
Thank you for the wonderful session! After the session- my confusion melted away, & I realized that which propels our life forward we can include, that which repels us must fall off like a scab, as the law of nature– There is too much to experience & do then to waste away in stupidity & petty madness. I feel clarity, protection & strength solidifying.”
~ Natalie
“Victoria helped me regain balance and focus with breathing exercises. Also, through the use of affirmations and EFT, I am so much more in control of my life. I have gained more than I could ask for. I had wanted to be busier at work (I am a massage therapist) and now have more clients every day. As a result of being in balance, my relationship with my husband has vastly improved. I have opened my heart (I didn’t know it was shut) and all sorts of wonderful things are happening. I can hardly wait to see what happens next in my life. So…..be careful what you ask for as you just might get it! Thank you, Victoria”
~ Pamela T
“Victoria! it is amazing to witness the results of a healing session with you. My mom has been so much kinder and Thanksgiving was the least stressful it has been in years. Thank you.”
~ Spencer
“If you are reading this testimonial for Victoria Stitzer, it is my prayer that the following will fill you with the hope and trust that has come into my life since my series of NLP, EFT-TFT sessions with Victoria.
It was July 2009 when I discovered and began attending the free Reiki Circle every week at Victoria’s Transformations. At first, it was hard for me to pull myself together enough to make it out the door and to the sessions. Every fiber in my being wanted me to turn the car around and retreat to the safety of a darkened apartment. The physical pain in my back intensified every time I left my apartment. I was constantly coming down with sinus infections, and was not social at all.
By just attending the weekly Reiki Circle, my desire to participate and reach out to others grew each week. I began to realize that I wanted to change myself and become the positive person I knew I was born to be. The desire to free myself from the negative thoughts and influences that had premeditated my every fiber for so long increased to the intensity that I attended Victoria’s FREE Hypnosis Demo & Introduction to Self-Hypnosis/NLP Course. This single introductory class convinced me that in order to receive the help I now wanted and needed, I must sign up for private sessions with Victoria. When I made my first appointment, a series of positive events began to take place. The first was the sudden appearance of funds to cover the cost.
During the very first session, Victoria was able to release the primary memory that caused me to begin the pattern of negative thinking which grew and developed as I grew and developed. I left her office after this session feeling as if a weight, a gigantic burden, had been lifted off of my shoulders. This weight did not return in the subsequent days, which is something that had not happened before despite intensive therapy with a psychiatrist.
The second session focused on safety and healing of traumatic events. The third session focused on building confidence and self-esteem. The third, and by far the most powerful session, focused on the deletion of all of the memories that generated my own self- sabotage. This session has enabled me to begin living my life in the “now”, fully connected to spirit, full of joy and healthy in body, mind and spirit.
I now know, beyond any doubt, that my life is and forever will be, happy, full of love, blessed with health, wealth, and friends to share all that I am and all that I have.”
~ Lynn W
When local actress and writer Erica Griffin was diagnosed with stage four endometriosis, not only did her busy life come to a crashing halt, but she had to learn to get along with a new companion: constant and crippling PAIN. She went through surgery and various medical treatments, but nothing she did seemed to kill it. She felt frustrated, angry and depressed. Months went by with no relief. Finally Erica called out to the universe to help her find a way back to the life she loved so well.
As providence would have it, help was on its way in the unlikely form of a petite Russian goddess named Victoria. A fortunate run in with a former co-star, Gail Romero, introduced her to the fact that pain was something that could be controlled with the mind, and that a woman named Victoria Stitzer had helped her deal with excruciating neck pain only a year before. Gail insisted, “You must go and see her, right away! Don’t waste anymore time!”
Victoria was fully booked, but graciously offered to consult with Erica during her short dinner break. Erica felt immediately at home as she sat in the big comfy sofa, listened to the water falling, and drank some fresh water. Even the room smelt good. Victoria sat down and briefly introduced herself. Then she did something radical… she listened! Erica let it all out…all her fear, her worries and disappointment in her body betraying her like it had, she was at the end of her rope!Victoria took the time to listen like nobody ever had before, restating Erica’s frustrations and asking precise questions, and all with a truthful empathy born out of her own painful past. “If I knew then what I know now!” she said, with her gentle Russian accent. Erica found herself surprised at how sincere she was, and immediately believed that this woman had only her best interested in mind as they came up with a treatment schedule together. What a different experience than with medical doctors! Victoria explained the different techniques that she would teach her, and assured her that the things she’d learn would be tools that would empower her the rest of her life. Erica knew she was not only in good hands, she was in the hands of a soul doctor.Throughout the next eight weeks, Erica looked forward to her weekly sessions like a child looks forward to holidays. She learned relaxation techniques, handwriting adjustments, journaling, pain control, EFT, self-hypnosis, breathing and mediation, among others. And she was able to conquer her chronic pain! She was able to forgive, laugh, love herself, hope and dream. In short, her broken spirit was healed.In their first session together, Victoria told Erica that it was hard to believe now, but that one day, she would be completely pain free and able to resume her life and excel in ways she never dreamed possible. It didn’t take long for Erica to realize that she was right. Her body began to heal itself. Her mind became clearer and more focused, and her heart was stronger than it had ever been. The world that had been so dull before began to more vibrant and alive than it had ever seemed. And all thanks to the energy, support, and love of an extraordinary woman, Victoria.”
~ Arlene B
“Dear Victoria,
I have been a patient now for almost a year and when I first came to you I had never experienced the training you offer so I didn’t know what to expect! I realized something the other day that made my timing and the monumental changes that have come into my world were destined by the fact if I had gone through this trauma alone and unprepared I don’t think I could have made it but because of your training and follow-through I am here to tell my story and I survived!
Losing a parent is devastating but losing a brother, a husband, a Father and a Mother in a matter of a few short years you feel like an orphan. I have always been surrounded by a large family not just for holidays but weekends too and then to be alone is not easy. The training you have provided me has sustained me and given to me the strength to carry on and fulfill my dreams.
I would recommend your healing and training one on one with all your clients. Your prices are fair and the benefits you receive as a patient outweigh the cost or time it takes to get well. You are strict but with love in your heart for everyone! You take the time to say hello to all who attend the Reiki Circle on Tuesday Evening and you offer this service free to everyone who wants to attend! May you be blessed knowing I am on my way to perfect health and abundance. Thank You! I look forward to seeing you on a regular monthly basis as I want to keep up my healing, I am blessed for having you as my Mentor and Teacher. Life is good but you make it an easy life to accept and enjoy with great pleasure! Thank you'”
~ Arlene L. Bates
“Dearest Victoria, mere words cannot express my appreciation! I feel amazing and hopeful, and like my future is full of promise! I am most appreciative! Thank you so much for all of your work, love, and generosity! I very much enjoyed getting to know you and spending time at Transformations. You must be very proud of yourself and the work you do. You are very special. Thanks for using your considerable talents on me! With much love.”
~ Tammy
“WOW!!!!!!!!!! How can I thank you for arranging the time to spend with Katharine…she loved the healing work you did together and feels transformed by it. I know she is planning to return to Vegas for more time with you… I am also inspired to come back to see you myself as soon as you have some time, so I will call for an appointment and see you soon. Again, thank you so much for everything!”
~ Anne
“How does an individual explain an angel entering one’s life?
I’ve been touched by such a being and her name is Victoria.
This gift from God is kind, sincere, gentle, warm, empathetic, compassionate, intelligent, humorous, et al!
The meaning of Unconditional Love can be found in Webster’s dictionary. There you will find Victoria’s picture.
As we are all made up of energy, I will love and honor our friendship beyond infinity.”
~ Andrea
“I had started Chemo treatment for “HER 2″ positive breast cancer when I had heard about Victoria and her company Transformations. I started visiting Victoria as a client weekly for visualizations, meditation and hands-on healing. I was well into 2 months with my Transformation program when Victoria suggested that my tumor had dissolved. I asked my oncologist for his opinion and for a second MRI and mammogram. The test came back negative and the tumor was gone. I feel with my faith in God and my family, my belief and trust in Victoria’s program, I will remain cancer free.”
~ Mary Marolda
“As a traveling healer, I consider Transformations to be my home in Las Vegas. Victoria has amazing energy and insights… she’s created a sacred space where people can learn to empower themselves and she was instrumental in helping me come out of my shell to launch my own career as a teacher and metaphysician.”
~ Moonsong
“I was angry, frustrated and scared. Having done as many wonderful accomplishments in my life should’ve been proof that I was on the ‘right track’. A great career, beautiful marriage and a sound spiritual belief should have had me “walking tall and feeling proud” in my 45+ years on this planet.”
~ Mais, au contraire
“I was deeply confused, depressed and acutely overweight and I didn’t like how it felt one bit. I had been on a quest for many, many moons looking for something or someone to guide me in making the correct choices of getting a hold of myself; I sure enough was failing at the attempt.
As a Buddhist, I began to chant for guidance and correct decision making. I love helping others when I have information that might help them in some way. One day, a best friend of mine had been looking for a job; her ideal job was to work in a holistic environment helping others via marketing and during hours she could work and be available for her home-schooled little girl. I had remembered seeing an e-add about Transformations looking for help. My friend applied and got a position… cool! Then, as cause and effect always manifests, my friend told me about Victoria and how warm, genuine and giving she was. In the initial time my friend had started working at Transformations, she felt that Victoria could help me.
I made an appointment… I came to Victoria … and I never looked back.
At long last I have found a clear and practical, holistic clinician who could help guide me into making sound choices with clinical and spiritual wisdom. Victoria provided me with an easy, understandable way of getting back – and firmly holding on – to who, and why, I am. Her gentle supervision, nurturing attributes and knowledgeable exercises do – and will continue – to be a cornerstone in my physical, emotional and spiritual evolution as a sentient spirit in life.
An all-around healthy lifestyle truly holds the key to maintaining optimal health in this world, and Victoria @ Transformations greatly provides some very strong and everlasting direction for those who are ready to embrace a healthy living on all levels of their existence. I can’t thank Victoria enough! For those in need of true guidance in record-breaking time, Transformations is the place to come, and Victoria is the person to see!”
~ Audrei-Kairen Kotaska
“Dear Victoria,
Thank you for coming into our lives. My seventeen-year-old daughter had become withdrawn. She had pulled away and had sequestered herself in her bedroom watching Seventh Heaven reruns. She had encountered difficult times with friends at school. While her grades and study skills improved, she often ate lunch by herself and felt alone. We looked forward to graduation where she could start over. However, I wanted to make sure that the same issues did not repeat themselves in college.
We attended a Reiki session to see what Transformations had to offer. The next morning she mentioned that she hadn’t felt this well in a long time. I made an appointment for her to have a private consultation with you. After your session, she said, “I don’t want to talk right now, but thank you for sending me there.” Early the next morning I was putting away folded laundry and noticed that for the first time in three years, her door was ajar a few inches and not tightly closed shut as it had been for years. As I prayed that this was a sign of new beginnings, a few tears rolled down my face.
It was work to get her to the next appointment, but she went. After each session, she would talk more, chat, and ask questions. She shared her feelings, and I found out what she missed, needed, and wanted. For so long we were pushed away so many times. Now she will ask for hugs and freely give hugs and affection. Just a few weeks ago, I came home to find her playing checkers with her ten-year old brother. I know that these changes are due to you and Transformations.
I can’t thank you enough for helping her to see that she is a valuable, wonderful person who has so much to give and share with those around her. Thanks for helping her shed the layers of protection that she had built up over the years. Now she shares her dreams and her vision for her future. We can’t thank you enough for the phone calls on your days off, the love and special care that you have given to our daughter, and for rebuilding a stronger family in Las Vegas. You have a special gift, Victoria. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We have our daughter back. Sincerely,”
~ Linda Smith
“Dear Victoria,
Thank you so much for your assistance and guidance with my 12-year-old daughter Brenna. I brought Brenna to you for weight control but you have helped her with so much more. Brenna and I were experiencing the parental/child gap that sometimes occurs in the pre-teen years. The gap was widening and Brenna was so frustrated and angry but unwilling to talk things out to resolve them. She was angry at me, her brother, her dad and the world. I was feeling helpless to find that wonderful connection that we always had.
Your guidance and techniques re-grounded Brenna and brought back her smile again. She is more focused; doing so much better in school and has nearly eliminated her irate outbursts from frustration. She still has them occasionally but we all do. They are no longer a daily heart-wrenching experience. My daughter has returned to her loving, kind-hearted and fun to be around self. We now enjoy conversations and laughs together like we used to. She has returned to being the A/B student and really enjoys school again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I have my daughter back again!
She has lost weight and is making better choices. She thinks before she eats now and has stopped the “walks” to Walgreens to load up on candy. She has more to lose but she doesn’t feel the helplessness she felt before. Brenna enjoys trying on the clothes that she had outgrown and finding she can even fit into some of them again. The smile says it all! It is sooooo good to hear her say, “I’m proud of myself!,”
~ Roxanna Goff
“It was no coincidence that I met Victoria. The Las Vegas surgeons told me I had a tumor in my neck that was pressing on the nerves affecting my hand, that surgery was imminent and that I would more than likely lose the use of my left hand and possibly wrist.
I immediately sought out other alternatives. At an acupuncture session I was referred to a remote healer who, after several unsuccessful tries, recommended Victoria because she has training in so many modalities.
Does she ever! She showed me the steps to relaxation therapy and made tapes for me to help my brain heal my body. She introduced me to Emotional Freedom Therapy (EFT) to deal with the terrible nerve pain that ws radiating from my neck through my shoulder and arm into my hand. And so much more.
One day the pain was gone. I attributed that in part to my medication, but decided to stop taking it. The pain was still gone. The doctors I went to for other opinions in Seattle and Los Angeles said to do nothing until the next MRI, but that the surgery would probably be necessary at some point since slow growth was certain. They could not account for my not being in pain.
I was considering surgery, but Victoria and my friends sent out overriding energy and I decided against it. I kept following Victoria’s path.
Three months later the tumor has been reclassified as a “fluid-filled lesion” (cyst to you and me) and has shrunk 30-60%! I am positive the next MRI will show it completely gone. [AND IT DID!]
I know this excellent outcome has been the result of working with Victoria to learn how to heal myself, to her wonderful intuitive abilities and to the enormous amount of knowledge she has at her disposal which she is so willing to share and which has helped change my life.
Thank you, Victoria. I cherish your professionalism and your friendship.
With deep affection and gratitude,”
~ Gail K. Johns
“I came to Victoria, because I heard from Kevin Trudeau (in his book “Natural Cures “They” Don’t Want You to Know About”) that there was a cure for Herpes II. I was diagnosed with HSVII in 1996. After my divorce in 2004, I decided it was time to do something about it. There’s an old saying which states, “Don’t believe everything you hear on TV.” The people telling us there is no cure for Herpes are also selling one of the only (and most popularly prescribed) pills for herpes “treatment.” The side effects for these pills are very intense and too numerous to remember. They don’t have any effect on breakouts; they actually made them more frequent for me. The only tests for HSVII are approx 50% accurate and can’t differentiate from new or old disease. This is straight from the health district’s web site.
I used to have frequent breakouts, averaging once every two months. With Victoria’s help, I have not had any signs of HSVII since December 2004. I feel the disease is gone, and yes – cured. Victoria has helped me with many aspects of my health and well being, this is just one.”
~ Amy S.
“Dear Victoria,
You are a kind and generous person. Thank you for sharing your spirit and your energy with us. Alex (my 6 months-old son) is slowly improving his immune system. I am amazed to say that his nose did not run at all for two weeks after you treated him. Reiki is remarkable but I am convinced that coming through you it was extra special.
I have found a Reiki Master who has given me the 4 initial attunements and taught me the twelve positions. She will be teaching a class in the near future. In the interim, I have been practicing on myself and Alex.
Thanks again for introducing my family to the healing energy. I am grateful to you. Love, Kim”
~ Kim L
“Hi Victoria,
All I can say is WOW! I didn’t really believe it when you said I wouldn’t need an alarm clock anymore and I am notoriously late for work by a minute or two. Since I started doing your “Stress Buster” tape, I haven’t been late for work once and I get up before my alarm goes off and I feel great. Just that is a true transformation for me and I am looking forward to more. I look forward to seeing you at my next session.
~ Melody ;o)”
“When I first came to see Victoria for a health-related problem, I was told to write down things that worried me. I was in the middle of refinancing my house, so I wrote down “money”. I figured everyone worried about money issues.
To address this, Victoria gave me some tapping exercises and visualization techniques to practice. She told me to imagine and believe that I deserved abundance, among many other things. Before my next appointment, which was a week and a half later, several things changed. First, my mortgage broker called and told me he had found a better loan that would save me close to $200 a month. Next, I received a 5% raise at work, when we were to be receiving only 3% or 4%. I also received additional shifts at work for extra income. Then my brother gave me some money he owed me. That never happens! My cousin also paid me the money she owed me for quite awhile!
Thank you, Victoria!”
~ Amy Simpson
“Seven months ago I was rehabbing from a severe medical crisis when I met Victoria. She introduced me to the Q2 machine, the chi machine and the introduction of various supplements. My quality of health has improved dramatically.
Throughout my “crisis” I had gotten pretty depressed and through her various ways was able to get me through a lot of my depression.
I’m doing a lot of charity work right now, happier than I have been in years!”
~ Sally Taraban
“Victoria has brought a whole new light into my life. When I first came to her I cried all the time and was very sad and angry. We worked together for a few weeks and I started to feel like myself again. She also taught me many wonderful things. I’m so blessed to have her in my life.”
~ Maria J.
First I would like to say thank you again, for fitting me into your busy schedule. Not to mention that you came in extra early to fit me in. I went thinking I needed help in one area and it turns out to be something else.
After the appointment I felt lighter, free and much more loving. Just to smile was a big deal. Kerry was amazed of how much better I came out. Not only was I more comfortable been around him, I was not making him uncomfortable to be around me.
Last night after getting home from a very long day (jet lag and going straight to work) I became aware of another childhood feeling after listening to the neighbors have a fight. Even though I’ve heard them fight once before, couldn’t understand what they were fighting about, this time I experienced the same feeling as I did ass a child when my mother would fight with my father. My heart rate went up and the fear of a broken home all came back to me. I realized that I’ve been suppressing these feelings for years. I thought, should they have children, they would experience the same fear. WOW!!! I was amazed that the feeling came out to the surface.
Victoria, thank you for being a lovely person. I felt comfortable with you the moment I met you. Kerry was right, you are tremendous. I am looking forward to working with you again.”
Thank you again,
~ Grisel Vazquez
“Dear Victoria,
You have given me so much hope and inspiration. I’m so blessed to have met you.
Love, Gail”
~ Gail
“Dear Victoria,
Thank you for awakening my entire being to Reiki. Which in turn has opened the universe for me to enter. I am being guided and am very grateful for this opportunity. I know I am headed in the right direction.
Much love, Brenda”
~ Brenda V
Thanks also for all that you’ve done for me. I will never forget how much you’ve helped me. I love you! Thanks again”
~ Nancy Miniaci
Just a little note to say Thank you; I’m working on my Life Issues (very hard).
Thank you for the phone call the other day to check on my progress of recovery from surgery. I’ll see you soon.
God Bless.”
~ Jacqueline H
“Dear Victoria,
Thank you for your generous spirit. Being in your presence makes me feel safe and loved.
I especially thank you for stepping in to offer help in finding me a job in my moment of crisis. Not many are willing to put themselves out into the world for another.
Again, thank you and I love you, MJ”
~ Maria J
“Dear Victoria,
I am writing to express my sincere thanks for the tremendous amount of help you have given me over the past five months. I cannot believe how dramatically my life has changed since I first walked through the doors at Transformations!! You have assisted me in a myriad of ways; I will try to name a few in this letter, but know that I will not be able to name all of them. As I already wrote, my life has changed in so many ways in such a short period of time!!
As a therapist myself (I have been a Certified Social Worker for many years), I have tried traditional therapy numerous times in the past for anxiety, grief counseling, guilt, and relationship issues. Despite numerous months on the therapists “couch”, I had not been able to achieve the results I have achieved with you in such a short time! The fact that you have taught me techniques to use on my own (both on a daily basis to deal with routine stress and others for more specialized high-stressed situations), has contributed to the rapid achievement of my goals. I don’t have to wait for a session to “feel better” – you have taught me to be self-sufficient in that area. I can now reduce the stress in my life quickly and easily with the techniques you have taught me!
I want to note that I did not come to Transformations specifically for weight loss and it was not one of my designated goals (although I was carrying around a few extra pounds from anxiety and stress). As a resultof feeling more centered and balanced since working with you, I have lost excess weight and I am able to work out again! I go through my days with renewed energy and enthusiasm, not feeling drained and tired at the end of the day. I am also sleeping better than I have slept in six years!
Victoria, I can not thank you enough! You are a wonderful, talented person. I have so much respect for you and your talents. If anyone is considering going into therapy at Transformations and has hesitation, please feel free to give them my number. I would be happy to speak to anyone about my experiences at Transformations!
Best wishes for continued success in helping people! The world needs more people like you!”
~ Dena Sferrazza (therapist)
I just wanted to say Thank You. I am lucky to have met you. You are a magnificent teacher, a fabulous motivator, and an inspiration to us all. Overall you are a remarkable human being and already I have grown tremendously since I have met you. You are wonderful!”
~ Penny
“Thank you. So much for helping me with all my problems and especially with my headaches. Ever since my last visit, my headaches are gone.
Thank you so much!”
~ Lydia
Just wanted to give you something that will always remind you of what a very special person you are. You are like an angel on earth. Thank you so much for making my life so much better. I’m so thankful you share your wisdom with others. Thanks again so much for the classes and guidance.
Love you,”
~ Nancy
“Dear Victoria,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the caring and for taking the time to help me figure out what I really needed to better myself in all areas of my life. With your help, I’ve experienced considerable progress in changing negative habits and breaking patterns, and replacing them with new positive ones.
As you know, my job is very stressful and demands lots of focus and determination to be successful at it. Through your dedicated efforts, talent and great knowledge in the NLP, EFT, and Hypnotherapy, I’ve been able to improve my productivity at work by practicing Self-Hypnosis and EFT that you’ve taught me.
I’m still learning about this unique therapeutic approach – a combination of NLP, EFT, and Guided Imagery, and I feel very lucky that I have such a wonderful and dedicated professional such as you, Victoria.
I look forward to continue growing both mentally and spiritually with your help.
Thank you so very much!”
~ Marilia Vazzola
“This is just a short note to say thank you for the time and consideration you gave me. ”
~ Paul Ginter
“Since I came upon meeting Victoria she has been the ultimate center of our well being. She has helped me through the most difficult times that I have came to encounter. I’m very grateful to have someone to hear my issues not to mention my problems, there are very few people in this world that would go to great lengths to help others with their problems. Victoria, I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the help and effort that you give to all those who are in need of your support and thank you again for all the inspiration.”
~ Julia Ramirez
I came to see you seeking relief in dealing with an increased level of stress in my life. The manifestation of that stress was evident in an elevated blood pressure and lots of excessive thinking and reasoning.
After your treatment of energy work, guided meditation and a taped version of the same that was given to me, there was noticeable decrease in my blood pressure immediately and I was soon able to completely relax my entire body and worry less. At this time, I am able to completely relax without the tape, hence controlling stress at will and my blood pressure is back to its original low level. Thank you very much for those important life long relaxation skills!”
~ Mary Lindsberg
“I bit my fingernails from age 8 to 36, that’s 28 years.
After one session at Transformations, I quit biting my nails completely! I am finally done with that nasty embarrassing habit for good. It’s funny because now I have people I don’t know commenting on how nice my nails are and I think to myself WOW, isn’t that ironic, they have no idea what I’ve been through with these nails. I am happier and more grateful that anyone could ever imagine!”
~ Natalie
“I started seeing Victoria because I was intrigued by the questions on a questionnaire she has a potential client fill out. I just happen to coincide with a time in my life when I was grieving my mothers death. The loss of a precious friendship and feeling extremely insecure and full of self-doubt.
After a period of about 3 months worth of weekly and bi-weekly sessions, Victoria helped me address stress, low self-esteem, weight-loss, fears, worries, and resentments. She helped me incorporate tools in my life style that made it easier to make healthy productive choices without a lot of effort. I am truly grateful to have found “Transformations” and would definitely recommend this process of therapy to everyone!”
~ Wynette
“Dear Mrs. Stitzer,
The reason I buy liquid Clorophyll from you is because it helps my stomach to digest my food better and also I don’t eat as much. I’ve lost weight since I’m drinking it. Thanks a lot”
~ Dorissa
“I am Christian and a fairly “closed minded” person towards anything or anyone that is not fairly within the realm of my chosen religious beliefs.
When it comes to TRANSFORMATIONS, I was invited to go to a Tuesday night Reiki healing, skeptical and a little scared, I showed up. I will be the first to say that no matter what religion you are or what you believe in is: God, Jesus, Buddha, “Higher Power”, etc… in no way does TRANSFORMATIONS: Victoria, her staff, the store, the various classes, or workshops get in the way of your beliefs. If anything you are made to feel at peace with your beliefs and then building upon that is where TRANSFORMATIONS helps you heal, feel at peace, feel emotionally rested… all that is needed is for you to “want it”, with you religion, go forward and “believe”.
I was to emotionally wounded, bitter, tormented by life, my childhood, on and on. On top of that, physically injured-sacroiliac sprains & strain of the lower back and diagnosed with the “highest”-worst case of acute insomnia and acute panic/anxiety attacks. With my own “want”, desire, beliefs to want to stop all the sufferings {especially emotionally} TRANSFORMATIONS and no doubt my seminars I’ve attended as well as personal sessions with Victoria, I can truly say that because of my faith, God and Victoria and her gifts “from God” {and not to mention a lifetime of education, diplomas, certifications, classes, being taught by a “Master” to become a “Master” herself}, I have been {and still becoming} “TRANSFORMED”.
I do not suffer emotionally anymore about my childhood and the severe torture I went through that I had not been able to “Shake” my whole life. I am not so bitter and in pain. I look at the sun and smiles when I wake up rather than sighing and upset I’m still breathing. My back pain is gone. It was gone the first night I walked in, skeptical!
Just “want”, believe in “your God”, and Victoria’s techniques, inner beauty, her passion to help and creating a beautifully comfortable environment will help set you free from what ever your concerns may be. It might not happen “overnight”- BUT IT WILL – IT DOES!
My insomnia is not as bad, my panic attacks are not very frequent, my back is restored and emotionally I thank GOD for the day I walked into TRANSFORMATIONS for I am free and each day I get better and better. –GOD BLESS VICTORIA”
~ Shannon
“To Whom it May Concern:
I met Victoria ten years ago at a motivational class called Lifespring. I saw this young, beautiful, dynamic, physically fit woman who told me that she was not as young as I thought and that she was not always beautiful or physically fit. She told me that she had been overweight and ill and doctors could not do anything for her. At that point she took her health into her own hands. She met with a Chinese herbalist who started her healing and lead her to study diet for health. From that she started studying Reiki and learned how to heal using only her hands and love. Once she got healthy, she had the energy to get physically fit. She peaked my curiosity so I tried Chinese herbs with immediate results. I got stronger at the gym. Chinese herbs are now mainstream, I am happy to say.
One day I went to visit Victoria to get some herbs and I was limping with a sore knee from playing softball the night before. She told me to sit down and for twenty minutes, she did Reiki on my knee. I left with no pain and was fascinated. Another time, she preformed Reiki on my sinuses and that worked also. At this point, I wanted to learn more. I have since studied Reiki, as have my daughter and my ex-wife. Victoria also brought relief to my grandson from a chronic adenoid condition by performing Reiki on him while he napped. His doctors could not believe it when they saw him.
“To this day, I and my family are the beneficiaries of knowing Victoria and I am stronger and healthier now than I was ten years ago. I strongly feel that anyone who gets to know her, will benefit.”
~ Robert K. Ft Lauderdale Florida
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